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HIDE (503)

Syntax: hide

Hiding is a concealment skill. If you are in terrain appropriate for your
particular character, you will be able to render yourself unseen to all but
those who have the ability to DETECT HIDDEN.  There is no direct way for a
person trying to hide to know if their attempt has been successful or not.  To
remain hidden while moving, see SNEAK.  To stop hiding, use VISIBLE. 

A hidden character can access most information commands (such as WHO and WHERE)
and still remain hidden. Certain spells will draw attention to all people in a
room and draw you out of hiding, and others will prevent you from hiding again
for a little while. 

Thieves are able to hide in more civilized areas.

Assassins are able to hide in civilized and woodland areas.

Orc Berserkers are able to hide in their Clan village initially, in swamps at
night starting at level 25, and finally in caves beginning with level 37.

Goblin Raiders are initially able to hide in caves and in Orc and Goblin
villages.  At level 30 Raiders are able to hide in swamps at night.