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Vitality quests to restore lost constitution are not given out lightly.
To even be considered, there are several restrictions. We don't care
much for people who only log on to PK, or who cannot roleplay, or who
rarely log in. If you fit into these categories, please don't ask for a quest.

You must be making an active attempt at roleplaying your character, furthering
your ideals, engaging with your cabal (if you have one), etc. Simply sitting
in a sort of 'stasis' waiting for extra constitution will render you
ineligible for any sort of vitality quest.

As a general rule, we will usually only give a quest to someone who is above
level 30, who has established their character in Thera (good roleplay, etc.),
is currently very low on constitution (don't ask if you still have plenty),
and who most immortals are aware of (you're popular, good for you).

The quests are not easy, and sometimes are so dangerous that you'll run out
of constitution while pursuing them. That is normal. The quest might even
appear impossible.

If you want to pursue a vitality quest, seek an audience with a valid immortal
IN-CHARACTER. This is an IN-CHARACTER PURSUIT, not an out-of-character one.
Roleplay accordingly, and if the immortal is receptive, you might have a
good outcome.

Otherwise you might die.
Who knows!