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Those cloud giants who were raised among their own race tend to have a
specific way of speaking. It is very common for a cloud giant to refer
to the self or others in the third person: "Byntok is hungry. Byntok wants
Goruhn's food." In addition to this, the native language used by cloud
giants does not use articles (such as a, an, or the), a habit that often
results in cloud giants skipping them in casual conversation with outsiders.
Their language is not as elaborately developed as some of the other languages
of the realm, as cloud giants find little value in the embellishment and
finesse common to them. This results in their sentences generally being
very short and to the point, with words chosen for clarity above other
Cloud giants who were not raised among their own kind lack these habits,
and conform more closely to the speech patterns of the society among
which they were raised.