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Syntax: cast 'conjure demon' <type> [mana]
Conjured from the Abyss, Demons serve as the extra-dimensional mercenaries
of many mages. Hungry for the hunt, a bound demon will aid its master in
combat using magic and physical prowess to its best advantage. Demons are
wanton destroyers, however, and require a sacrifice to meet their
required payment for binding. If the sacrifice is not offered to them,
the Demon will turn on the binder at the end of its service. Expending
additional mana at the time of conjuration may conjure a Demon of greater
power, or extend the stay of lesser Demons. Moody creatures, their
actions are dependant on how happy they are. The types of Demons that may be
conjured are Challegha, Mors-Gravis, Harmentia, and Morosa.