Carrion Fields

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1. Live to be the guiding light for all to follow and look towards. Your
beliefs must be as solid as your loyalty is to your god.
2. Do not be greedy; limit your belongings to only the basic necessities.
All extras will be donated to the less fortunate or sacrificed.
3. Think and control your actions before bloodshed. Patience and diligence
will guide your actions. 
4. Never abandon your friends, allies or your beliefs. Fight with courage,
and if you must you will die. Never betray your comrades or cower in fear.
5. Fight and exact justice for all worthy causes. 
6. Provide hope for all; you shall risk your own life to aid others and
when able heal and tend to the injured.
7. Be fair of speech and actions.
8. Never lie; be true to your word.
9. Respect the laws of the land and those who seek to enforce them.
10. Do not become like those you fight. Respect, Integrity, Valor.
11. Do not associate with the taint of evil, in any way.
12. Respect the guild, and the other Paladins that belong to it.