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Syntax: setsnares
        setsnares <weapon|poison|trap>

Berserkers are able to use their natural environment to their advantage by
creating tripwire traps that are difficult to spot.  

These snares can only be set in outdoor environments, though they are weakest
outside of the orc's preferred terrains of swamps, caves, and their villages.
Druids, rangers, and others well-versed in outdoorsmanship will find these
snares somewhat crude and easy to foil.

Additionally, in these preferred terrains, berserker can try to construct
more elaborate snares by incorporating some dangerous object that they
managed to get their filthy hands on:

- Bladed weapons can be used to change the type of damage that a snare does,
and give a snare a little more punch.  Shig-ru berserkers delight in
making traps of this sort.
- Poison ingredients can be sprinkled over the finished product.  Orcs are
largely too dim to do much more than hope that this leaves the eventual
victim with some sort of ailment, and have little control over the specifics.
Mundunugus are more adept than average at this particular technique.
- Trap ingredients make for a more elaborate snare that may (or may not) fire
more than once as victims stumble over secondary triggers.  While Skruggas
are quick to construct all snares, they excel at this type in particular.

All of the above snares vary a bit in quality with the power of the object so
incorporated, and the object is consumed in the construction of the snare.
Using even one object taxes an orc's mental faculties, and while many
Grinning Skull orcs have died at their own hands trying to use more than one
simultaneously, no such successful designs are yet known.