CF Helpfile Search
Syntax: socials
socials <type>
socials index
socials all
Socials by itself shows all the socials you can currently do.
Socials index (or any word that is not a type) shows these instructions.
Socials all shows all socials in the game, some of which you are unable to do.
Trying socials you cannot do will tell you where, or how they could be done.
You will not be able to do every social.
Or list all socials by type, such as conveying the following:
General, info, nice, respectful, playful, flirt, pity, scared, annoying,
disgusting, arrogant, rude, hostile
Or you can also list these types:
Sleeping - socials that can be done while sleeping
Obvious - socials that are loud or otherwise give your presence away
Contact - socials that require close contact between you and the target
Object - socials that allow you to target an object
Race - socials your race specifically can do (some may be done by other races)
How to actually do socials:
Socials can be non-directed (just ), have a single target (usually
a person, sometimes an object), or sometimes target a person and an object:
. The object and person are interchangeable.
How to preview socials with SHOWSOCIAL:
Syntax: ss
You can use the showsocial option to view what others will see when you do
a given social. Just do showsocial or ss
If it is easier 'showsocial' can be replaced with 'showsoc' or just 'ss'
Examples: laugh showsocial self, covet showsoc healer steak, hop ss
(Many of the socials were written or rewritten by TGH, including Arvam,
Valguarnera, Mayesha, and Vahlen. Some from the original Sara certainly
remain, and many others, both mortal and immortal, have contributed.)
A list of socials with example output can be viewed at:
See also: EMOTE