Carrion Fields

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The first children of Thera, the giants were created to test the
creation powers of the gods. Large and intelligent, they made these
giants in their own image to wander the realm.  Consuming vast amounts
of resources and hungering endlessly for more power, the giants covered
every spectrum of alignment throughout the realm.  Eventually, however,
they fell from the favor of the gods, being cast away as a failed
experiment.  Those of their offspring that were deemed worthy of
existence were scattered deep within the oceans and volcanoes, while
those held in highest favor were granted the gift of limited flight
and placed high in the mountains, forests, and valleys of the northwest.
All were commanded to sleep, and decades passed as the storm giants
slumbered, their enormous bodies growing only slightly frailer than
the other giants.

Eventually, summoned by the Mages of Chaos, an enormous storm blew
across the oceans and rivers where the giants slept. Holding a fury
which the realm had never seen, the storm shook to life the cold and
inanimate giants.  Taking the storm as both a gift of life, as well
as a sign of anger, they sought out its depths with penitence in their
hearts.  Hundreds of storm giants died to the strikes of lightning and
harsh winds during the months of The Great Storms, though the pious
and dedicated nature of these first giants has survived to this day
within the race. Many storm giants feel a strong need to find religious
acceptance, a desire so deep within their culture that few other walks
of life are even contemplated seriously.  Even still, some will find
themselves embracing their size and strength in an attempt to bring
about righteousness through combat and arms. As a whole, their society
is highly structured, mimicking that which is found in most kingdoms of
man, though holding in high regard the tenets of nobility, loyalty,
compassion, and faith.