Carrion Fields

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The ranger is more than simply a wilderness warrior. Cunning and resourceful,
rangers are those who have learned the provincial yet age-old techniques that
have kept the people alive in harsh environments for ages. These techniques
are not universal, however, and many have been honed in small village or tribal
communities far isolated from each other. 

Too numerous are these skills for one ranger to learn them all, but rather,
every ranger has a select expertise as part of his background and training, 
though certain races are not suited for some as depicted in the following 

           Savage  Hunter  Animist  Beastmaster  Explorer  Survivalist
Human        X       X        X         X           X           X
Half-Elf     X       X        X         X           X           X
Half-Drow    X       X        X         X           X           X
Elf                  X        X         X           X           X
Dark-Elf             X                  X           X
Wood-Elf     X       X        X         X           X           X
Storm        X       X                               
Cloud        X       X                  X                       X
Fire         X       X                  X
Arial        X       X        X         X           X
Felar        X       X                  X           X           X
Gnome                X        X                     X
Svirf                         X                     X
Frost        X       X                  X                       X
Centaur      X       X        X         X           X           X
Saurian      X       X        X         X           X           X

Animist       a specialist in nature magic
Beastmaster   an expert in the emulation and control of natural beasts
Explorer      a crafty traveler, comfortable in all environments
Hunter        a wilderness stalker and ranged weapon specialist
Savage        a fierce and self-reliant combatant
Survivalist   a traditional ranger, with no expert skill nor weakness