Carrion Fields

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The laws of the land that shall be enforced by the Blood Tribunal are
as follows: 

*** The areas that are defined as protected by the jurisdiction of the Law
are the entirety of Galadon, Hamsah Mu'tazz, Voralian City, and Seantryn
Modan.  With the exception of the fifth law, the cities police their own
denizens, leaving the Blood Tribunal to focus on the actions of
Adventurers and their servants.

1. Murder, Theft and Looting in a protected city are against the law. You will
be held responsible for your groupmate's actions. 

2. No offensive area spells or harmful powers will be used in any protected
area. This includes area spells from charmed, summoned or attacked 

3. Aiding known criminals in any way by directly giving them equipment,
helping them to elude punishment, killing tribunal guards, etc. will result
in a WANTED flag. 

4. Participating in an assault upon the Spire itself is considered a
criminal act. Specifically, this means striking at the Tribunal guardians
or aiding others to do so is illegal, as is passing beyond the Tribunal 
outer guardians and into the Spire itself at any time. If you are
standing at the entrance to the Spire without attempting to go beyond the
guardian or harm members of the Spire, you may be warned to leave by a
Magistrate, then you will be flagged if you remain beyond a reasonable time
required to obey.  The only time it is legal to assault Magistrates inside
the Spire, or the outer guardian of the Blood Tribunal, is if the Tribunal
holds your cabal's item of power.

5. It is illegal to attack guildguards within a protected area. 

Members of the Blood Tribunal will carry out enforcement of these laws. 
Being that the punishment of a criminal is the supreme lawful act, 
Tribunal members may set aside any of the above laws during the course 
of their duties, as long as innocents are not harmed.

It is NEVER illegal to attack an off-duty Magistrate outside of a protected

Galadon, Hamsah Mu'tazz, Voralian City, and Seantryn Modan are defined by 
the 'where protector' command.