Carrion Fields

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Healing      The Sphere of Healing lies within the Sphere of Peace and is
             thus influenced, but not dominated, by both Order and Light.
             This Sphere is responsible for the mending of materials and
             the reparation of wounds.

Protection   The Sphere of Protection encompasses all things that serve to
             guard or shield both mortal and inanimate subjects.  Defense
             is of utmost importance, rather than reparation after damage.
             As this Sphere is within the Sphere of Peace, the influences
             of Order and Light often lead its power to shelter the weak
             from harm and to protect the community from assault.

Creation     The Sphere of Creation is responsible for that which is formed
             by mortal and immortal hands.  Within the Sphere of Peace,
             Creation lies furthest from the Light and is but lightly
             influenced by Order.  Imagination and motivation stir the
             forces of Creation.

Mercy        The Sphere of Mercy is the Sphere beneath Peace that is the
             most influenced by Light and Order.  It is the source of
             compassion and forbearance.  Those of this Sphere will often
             offer relief to the unfortunate and clemency to offenders.

Strength     The Sphere of Strength, ruled by the Sphere of Peace, is the
             culmination of might and enduring power that comes together
             into confidence and unassailability.  It is influenced, but 
             not ruled, by the Spheres of Order and Light.